This page describes the technical specification for Tempest views.
All attributes prefixed with
will be parsed as PHP code.
<a :href="$this->post->uri"></a>
<h1> {{ $this->post->title }} {{ $this->raw($this->post->title) }} </h1>
<div :if="$this->post->published">Published</div> <div :elseif="$this->post->archived">Archived</div> <div :else>Not published</div>
<div :foreach="$this->posts as $post">{{ $post->title }}</div> <div :foreach>Nothing</div>
Tempest components can be defined in two ways. First you can create PHP classes:
final readonly class MyViewComponent implements ViewComponent { public static function getName(): string { return 'x-my'; } public function render(GenericElement $element, ViewRenderer $renderer): string { $foo = $element->getAttribute('foo'); $bar = $element->getAttribute('bar'); if ($foo && $bar) { return "<div foo=\"{$foo}\" bar=\"{$bar}\"><x-slot /></div>"; } return '<div><x-slot /></div>'; } }
Or you can create anonymous components in
<x-component name="x-my"> <div :if="$this->foo && $this->bar" :foo="$this->foo" :bar="$this->bar"> <x-slot /> </div> <div :else> <x-slot /> </div> </x-component>
Data can be passed to components by using the
<x-my :foo="$this->foo" :bar="$this->bar" />
The default slot
<x-slot />
will contain the contents of a component:
<x-my> <p>These contents will end up in the default slot</p> </x-my>
You can define multiple named slots:
<x-component name="x-my"> <header> <x-slot name="header" /> </header> <x-slot /> <footer> <x-slot name="footer" /> </footer> </x-component>
<x-my> This goes in the default slot <x-slot name="header"> The title </x-slot> <x-slot name="footer"> The footer </x-slot> This will be appended into the main slot </x-my>